VW Drag Bus Page


What's the difference between the 1996 First Edition Drag bus and 30th Anniversary Drag bus?


There are several things that can be visually checked.

The main difference is the base. The 96 FE version has a rectangle shape on the pivot point and the anniversary version has a trapezoid shape on the pivot point.

The second visual check is the card blister.

The 96 FE version has a square shaped blister and the anniversary version has a form-fitting blister.

1996 First Edition w/Square Blister

30th Anniversary Version w/Form-Fitting Blister

The third visual check is the front of the cards.

The 96 FE version has "New" on the upper left corner and the anniversary version does not.

The fourth visual check is the back of the card.

The 96 FE version has a normal card back with collector number and the anniversary version has a checklist of the complete Anniversary Series.

The 5th visual check is the top of the rear wing.

The anniversary version has the 30th Anniversary logo in gold. This is not a good way to verify because the logo is easily removed with most solvents.

South Texas Diecast Collectors

Specifications subject to change without notice. Batteries Not Included.
This page last updated December 29, 2005.

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